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If you experience sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, stalking, or sexual harassment you are likely to have many concerns and questions, including what your options are for reporting and responding to the incident. Friends and family members may have strong feelings about what you should do, but there is no right or wrong way to respond. Whatever you choose, it is important that you do what makes you feel comfortable.

There are a number of reporting options available to you. It is important to understand that choosing one option does not preclude you from pursuing another option now or in the future. Your Title IX Coordinator can discuss your various options with you.

Confidential Reporting Resources

An individual who wishes for the details of an incident to remain completely confidential may speak with certain College officials/offices who, by law, must maintain confidentiality and may not disclose the details of an incident, except under rare circumstances as required by law. These officials/offices include:

The EmPOWER Center

1030 Dartmouth Avenue

Claremont, CA 91711


Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services
Tranquada Student Services Center, 1st floor
757 College Way
Claremont, CA 91711

Members of the clergy including the McAlister Center chaplains
McAlister Center for Religious Activities
919 North Columbia Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711

Please note, some individuals may be required to report statistical information only, no personally identifiable information, in order for the Colleges to comply with crime reporting laws such as the Clery Act. In addition, individuals may also seek confidential support from a local or national crisis hotline.

Callisto, an online option for reporting sexual assaults, is an independent, third-party reporting system designed to allow individuals to confidentially complete an incident report online. Specifically, this system allows survivors to confidentially complete an incident report online, receive a clear explanation of their reporting options and either directly submit the report to the chosen College official or place a hold on submitting their report until someone else reports the same assailant, and to save their report with a timestamp, which allows the individual to review and submit the report later with an accurate indication of the original report time. Callisto has been live since August 2015 at Pomona College. For more information, please visit the Project Callisto website.

Prompt reporting is encouraged, because facts often become more difficult to establish as times passes. However, the College will investigate and take appropriate action in response to all reports regardless of when the alleged conduct occurred. The ability of the College to respond to the conduct is limited if the Respondent is no longer a member of the College community. If a College staff member, faculty member or student leaves the College with a pending complaint against them, they will not be permitted to return to the College until the case is resolved through these procedures.

If you would like to pursue resolution on campus you should speak with your Title IX Coordinator for information about your college’s grievance procedures, support resources, and interim measures. Your college’s policy and grievance procedures can be found here as well as the policies and grievance procedures for all seven of The Claremont Colleges. Consult your institution’s grievance procedures and website for information specific to your institution.

Off-Campus Reporting (Not Confidential)

You are encouraged to pursue all of your options for responding to and resolving a complaint of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, or stalking, both on and off campus. You are encouraged to report potentially criminal activity to the police. Both on and off campus options can be pursued simultaneously now or in the future.


Reporting Potential Criminal Violations to the Police:  In cases involving potential criminal misconduct, individuals are encouraged to file a report with the police department that has jurisdiction over the location where the incident occurred. If the conduct is reported to one of the colleges, the college will inform the individual of their right to file a police report and will provide assistance in doing so if the individual wishes for assistance. In cases where the complainant is under the age of 18, the college may notify the police and will cooperate as appropriate with any external investigation. For more information, contact your Title IX Coordinator. If you would like assistance in reporting an assault to the police, contact your Title IX Coordinator or Campus Safety.


The colleges’ grievance procedures and the legal system work independently from one another and the colleges will proceed with its process, regardless of action or inaction by outside authorities. If a police investigation is initiated, the colleges may pause an investigation briefly at the request of the police to facilitate their initial evidence gathering. Decisions made or sanctions imposed by one of the college’s grievance procedures are not subject to change because criminal or civil charges that arise from the same conduct are dismissed, reduced, or rejected in favor of or against the respondent.


In cases involving potential criminal misconduct, the colleges encourage individuals to report the conduct to the law enforcement agency which has jurisdiction over the location where the incident occurred. Members of the Dean of Students staff are available to assist individuals in contacting the police or other appropriate law enforcement agency. In certain instances, the college may need to report conduct to law enforcement authorities even when the subject of the conduct has not done so. Such circumstances include when the subject of the conduct is a minor (under the age of 18), when there is clear and imminent danger or risk to the individual and/or the college community, and/or when a weapon may be involved. The decision to report an incident to law enforcement will be shared with the complainant.


Reporting to State and Federal Enforcement Agencies:  In addition to the College’s internal remedies, employees and students should also be aware that the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) and the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”) investigate and prosecute complaints of prohibited harassment and discrimination in employment. These agencies may be contacted at the addresses listed below:


EEOC Los Angeles District Office
255 East Temple Street, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA  90012


DFEH Los Angeles Office
611 West Sixth Street, Suite 1500
Los Angeles, CA  90017


Reporting to the Police:
The Claremont Police Department
Emergencies: dial 9-1-1
909-399-5411 (non-emergency number)
570 West Bonita Avenue
Claremont, CA 91711
Lobby Hours: 7am to 10:00pm, 7 days a week


Students also have the right to file a formal complaint with the United States Department of Education:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Beale Street, Suite 7200
San Francisco, CA

Select a college to review its policies and procedures.

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