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1. What do I do if I am accused of sexual violence and/or sexual misconduct (dating/domestic violence, stalking, etc.)?

DO NOT contact the victim (complainant). You may want to speak with someone in the campus community who can act as your support person. Your Title IX Coordinator can explain the college’s grievance procedures for addressing sexual misconduct complaints. You may also want to seek confidential counseling through Monsour Counseling and Psychological Services (MCAPS) or seek support through the EmPOWER Center or off campus services in the community. For more information about support resources either on campus or off campus, please click the links.

2. What about legal advice?

Respondents may want to retain legal counsel given the potential for criminal and/or civil action. All parties going through a college process are entitled to one support person/advisor of their choosing, including an attorney. However, the attorney may not advocate in the process. For more information, check your institution's policies and grievance procedures.

3. What, if anything, will my parents be told?

The college’s primary relationship is to you, the student, and not to your parent/guardian. College officials will only speak with your parents/guardians at your request or when there is a significant threat to your health or safety.

4. Can I be charged with something on campus and off campus?

Yes, complainants have the right to pursue both campus resolution of a complaint as well as civil and/or criminal resolution. It is up to the complainant to decide how they want to proceed. The colleges’ processes will move forward regardless of if there is criminal or civil legal action taken regarding the same incident.

5. Can I have someone with me through college grievance proceedings?

All parties going through a college process are entitled to one support person/advisor of their choosing, including an attorney. However, the attorney may not advocate in the process. For more information, check your institution's policies and grievance procedures.

6. What else should I be thinking about as this situation moves forward?

The Claremont Colleges prohibit retaliation in any way against an individual or group because the individual or group has reported an allegation of sexual harassment, sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, or stalking or has participated in a grievance proceeding in response to such an allegation. The Claremont Colleges recognize retaliation can take many forms, may be committed by an individual or group against an individual or group, and that a respondent can also be the subject of retaliation. The Claremont Colleges will take prompt and responsive action to any report of retaliation and may pursue disciplinary or other action as appropriate. Be mindful of your actions and behavior and avoid all direct and indirect contact with the complainant until the matter is resolved.

Select a college to review its policies and procedures.

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